Zorica Djurkovic

Name:   Zorica Djurkovic

Phone:  011/222-4444

E-mail:  fdsp@eunet.rs

Citizenship: Republic of Serbia

Place and date of birth: Belgrade, R. Serbia, 14 September 1959



  • 2008 Megatrend University of Belgrade – Faculty of Management, Valjevo –Bachelor of Economics (BEcon)

Work Experience

  • 21 September 1981 to 17 May 1998 - Finances and Accounting with Srbijaprevoz;
  • 18 May 1998 to 23 January 2001 - Head of Office of the Minister of Education;
  • 24 July 2001 to 31 January 2005 - Administrative Officer, Office of Minister of Education and Sports;
  • 01 February 2005 to 14 May 2013 - Head of Office of the President of Zemun Municipality;
  • 15 May 2013 to 31 December 2015 - Senior Advisor, Office of Director of Jugoimport-SDPR;
  • 01 January 2016 - Assistant Director, General Administration and Quality Directorate.