Training of Soldiers on Self-Propelled Gun-Howitzers 155 mm „Nora“
There is a training of professional soldiers going on at the peacetime training center in Niš, performed on self-propelled gun-howitzers 155 mm “Nora” B-52 M15, a weapon from the range of Jugoimport-SDPR, and part of military assets of the Serbian Defense Forces for several years now.

This is a professional-specialist training, during which the crew members are trained, according to their respective duties, for timely detection and spotting of targets, calculation of the firing elements, and the hands-on operation of the weapon.
The focus is on the actions and procedures of emplacing the firing position and opening indirect fire, which are applied when the target is not visible.
The “Nora” self-propelled gun-howitzer provides fire support with heavy, sudden, and rapid fire on targets of tactical, operational and strategic importance.

As the entire process, from target detection to opening fire, takes a little over a minute, a highly skilled crew is imperative for a successful deployment.
This is achieved through a continuous training, which is carried out in the unit all year round, in all conditions – from individual training of each soldier, through training in joint fires, to the most complex exercises and live fires.

With the introduction of this modern combat system, which is in the armament of the Serbian Armed Forces for several years now, the capabilities of the Mixed Artillery Brigade and the artillery as a whole to provide reliable, precise, and powerful fire support to the Army units in the execution of operations have significantly improved.