Permanent exhibition of armaments and defense equipment in Nikinci
The necessity for forming of such an exhibition originated from substantial growth of the scope of contracting and overall potential of marketing offer of Yugoimport-SDPR, namely Yugoslav defense industry so characteristical for the second half of the sixth decade of XX century. The location for establishment of permanent ADE exhibition was chosen based on the idea that appropriate functional demonstrations might be organized and carried out for potential foreign buyers after their visit to the permanent exhibition, and the central test range of Yugoslav Peoples` Army (YPA) in Nikinci proved to offer ideal possibilities for testing of ADE. Originally, the exhibition was set in seven pavillions covering the total closed wxhibit area of 5500 m2. It represented truly exclusive promotional structure of Yugoslav defense industry.
Within past several years, a number of complicated presentations of complex defense systems which resulted in signing of vital contracts for our company were organized on the premises of Nikinci test ground which nowadays represents a part of the Technical Test Center. We must point out that close colaboration between our company and the Technical Test Center enabled performance of complex presentations, dynamic shows and testing of ADE, in cooperation with the companies of Serbian Defense Industry (SDI).
Such intergated process of significant promotion was performed during official celebration of the fifty-fifth anniversary of Yugoimport-SDPR when practically complete offer of our company and SDI was presented on the premises of permanent exhibition of ADE and the test range in Nikinci, including the technical assembly, short parade and functional demonstration with live firing from several capital defense systems.