Gendarmerie Completes Tactical Demonstration Exercise with the Use of Lazar 3 Combat Vehicles
In the recent tactical demonstration „Lipovica 2024“, the elite Gendarmerie unit underscored its critical role not only in maintaining public order and peace but also in upholding security, preserving territorial integrity and safeguarding national interests.

On this occasion, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Police Directorate confirmed their commitment to upskilling and further equipping this elite unit.

For several years now, the unit has been equipped with 8 x 8 Lazar 3 multi-purpose armored fighting vehicles from Jugoimport-SDPR’s production line. These vehicles have demonstrated exceptional performance in executing tactical maneuvers and fulfilling diverse missions.

At the event, a demonstration highlighted the effective use of personal weapons from the front hatch of the vehicle against targets simulating an enemy ambush in urban combat scenarios. Subsequent to this, Gendarmerie members showcased their embarkation techniques into the crew compartment via the rear ramp, designed to meet the demanding needs of complex operations.

Following the tactical demonstration, it was assessed that the readiness of the Gendarmerie members is at the highest possible level.