

The transfer of defense technologies and construction of defense infrastructure facilities represent one of commercially most important and, at the same time, most complex field of Yugoimport-SDPR activities.

The first such project was launched in 1964, and included transfer of technology for production of detonating cords in India, and was soon expanded to the production of mining caps and detonator, which resulted in a contract for building a gunpowder factory in Bandara. Vigorous expansion of the transfer of technologies was most prominent in 1970s and 1980s. Early seventies were a period of market research, resulting in the second half of the seventies in the commencement of complex and significant projects. The capital investment and military engineering projects in 1975 accounted for 27% of total export of Yugoimport-SDPR, while in 1979 as much as 57.7%. In offering and implementation of these projects, Yugoimport–SDPR played an important role of an integrator of the entire industry of former Yugoslavia.

The projects included, among other, the transfer of technology and construction of factories for small arms production - semi-automatic and automatic rifles, artillery weapons and sighting devices, small arms ammunition, powders and explosives.

A complex for production of gunpowders and explosives, the contract for which was signed back in 1974 and the facility completed in 1983, is the biggest industrial plant built abroad by Yugoslavia. The value of this project was at that time around one billion dollars.

The projects were implemented on “turnkey” basis, i.e. factory designing, construction of facilities and installations, integration of technological equipment, commissioning of the factory and provision of technical assistance and personnel training.

One of more significant projects was the chemical and mechanical complex within which we supplied to a customer in Africa the technical and technological documentation for production of chemical (gunpowder and explosives) and mechanical (weapons and ammunition) ADE products. A customer in Asia has improved his production of single- and double-base powders based on our documentation and equipment. For the same customer we have transferred the technology for 30 mm medium calibre gun ammunition.

In recent years, Yugoimport-SDPR has intensified its presence with the projects related mainly to the transfer of technology for explosive material factories, large-, medium- and small caliber ammunition factories. 

Personnel training, i.e. transfer of the know-how for the process control or equipment operation is an unavoidable stage not only in the transfer of technology but also in delivery of equipment. Thus, along with the delivery of mortars, we have successfully completed a training course for instructors for these types of weapons. For the supply of the Lasta 95 training aircraft we have performed a training course for the first level of maintenance, at the level of technicians, and recently a training course for pilots.

It is obvious that technological knowledge is becoming increasingly important. We have also helped organize the post-graduate studies for students from partner countries.

Design, construction and equipping of defense infrastructure facilities – underground command posts, aviation, naval and land army bases with pertaining infrastructure, military test grounds, overhaul facilities, military hospitals, etc. played an important role in the overall implementation of export deals.

There are numerous references in this field. 15 million square meters of airport maneuvering area was designed and 200 ha was constructed. Furhtermore, Yugoimport-SDPR constructed 200 000 m2 of high protection underground facilities, 1.5 million m2 of hangars, 50 command centers, 400 shelters and fortifications… Four naval bases were designed and one entire naval base was constructed, as well as three underground submarine shelters. Seven military hospitals were designed, and three were built.

Construction of military medical  institutions

In recent years, Yugoimport-SDPR intensified its presence in the field of transfer of technologies and construction of military medical facilities.

One of the most important projects is the preliminary conceptual design of the General Military Hospital, which has been prepared in cooperation with the design team of the Military Healthcare Administration of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Serbia.

Several decades of experiences of the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade as well as the modern achievements of the European and international practices in this field, have been used in the design, construction, and equipping of this state-of-the-art hospital.

The actual building with its facilities has been designed on the modular principle, which will enable adoption of new technologies, equipment, and procedures in the future. Likewise, the proposed design offers the possibility for optimal education of the staff in order for the experts of the investor to take over the management of the hospital and attainment of all the set objectives within the shortest possible time.

The concept of the General Military Hospital implies rendering of all types of medical services at one place, specifically ranging from examinations, through diagnostics, to treatment, while as rationally utilizing physical and human resources as possible.

Within the hospital, as an independent entity, there is also the training and educational center for permanent education of medical and non-medical staff. 

The project also envisages schooling of medical and non-medical staff at the Military Medical Academy in Belgrade.